A Hermetic Correspondence Cheat Sheet.
Aligned directly with the Corpus Hermeticum. Primary reference pulled from a tractate on Poimandre's (Chapter 1) - The Divine Mind or Man Shepard to Hermes Trismagistus.
I had a lot of interest in the first version, in which I received an overwhelming amount of conflicting feedback... lots of gurus out there who are all certain about different ideas, so this time I've rooted the logic in what I believe to be one of the most authorities Hermetic works we have available.
'The Principles of Truth are Seven - He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key, before whose touch, all the doors of the temple fly open.'
This is the first version I made for my own research as well as research for our game 'Ascension: The Immortal Alchemist'. Aligned to universal attributions across various traditions.
Which chart sits better with you? Would love to hear your feedback!